Short version: 3 dog handlers/breeders/crazy people, 5 dogs, bags and stuff for a day at the Norwegian Winner shows – ALL stuffed in my little MINI COOPER! 3 o’clock in the morning, 450 km to go. Britzyk got carsick after 30 minutes, Stefan screamed in fear of imaginary horrors BUT we got there in time dispite the fact that the GPS stopped working so we missed an exit in Oslo. 🙂
It was a really crazy, awesome trip, I don’t remember the last time I laughed so mach and so hard in one day! 😀
Thank you Britzyk and Stefan!! Love ya both!
So, how about some results? =)
In the group we got nothing, except some really nice comments afterwards and a great picture taken by Roger Sjölstad.
But big success for some of my friends in the group, and Ia’s Xolo WON! Big congrats!
After the finals, we cramped into the Cooper again, and hade the funniest ride home ever! Home again just before midnight, felt like we had been gone for several days and couldn’t believe all we experienced in just 20 hours. Crazy is the word!
RESULTS Norwegian Winner show 2012
Status: International
Cirneco dell’Etna
Judge: Svein Helgesen, Norway
Champion class: Exc-1, BB-1, CACIB, BOB, NORWEGIAN WINNER 2012
Comments: “Beautiful representative for the breed. Excellent total and balance. Excellent head, nice proportions, well placed ears, feminine expression, excellent neck and topline, well bodied, very good rear, nice width of thigh, good angulations, free and stable movements.”
From Norwegian Winner Show 2012, posted by Maria Weinehall on 11/25/2012 (12 items)
- Best Bitch competition
- It is 7 seconds left before I run into the big pole in the left of the picture. Godda…
- BOB/BOS comp.
- haha, preparing for BOB/BOS picture… 😀
- Lava BOB and Norwegian Winner 2012!! =))) Pablo BOS and NO W & JW 2012! Congrats!
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