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The first sunny and HOT day this year was spent in Scania and the annual Hässleholm NAT Allbreed KC show.

“Team Murphy” this day included Jonna, Stina and Britzyk, and Anders was the designated photographer.

The breed was judged by Magnus Hagstedt, and he had an apprentice that he was speaking with so we could all take part of his thoughts about the dogs and the breed. This was SUPER, I really wish that judges had open critiques more often!! 🙂

The results in the breed was: Leo BOB and CAC, Loki BM-2 w. R-CAC and Keiron BM-3! Elda got Exc-1 and our groups got HP! Entry was 4+1.

In the finals, we won Best In Show-2 Progeny Group (judge Lars Adeheimer, 6 groups attended) AND Best In Show-2 Breeders Group (judge Paul H. Stanton, 14 groups attended)!! Jippiee!!! Weei!!
😀 😀 😀

THANK YOU friends and judges, it was a super-day to remember!!


Judge: Magnus Hagstedt

Junior class: Exc1, CK, BM-1, CAC, BOB
“Elegant & masculine, well shaped head, beautiful expression, appealing mentality, well developed body and chest. Balanced angulations. Excellent back. Easy movements from the side, still needs to mature front and back”

Junior class: Exc2, CK, BM-2, R-CAC
“Excellent proportions. Elegant & masculine. Beautiful head and expression. Excellent ears. Enough body and chest. Strong back, excellent legs and feet. Excellent muscle condition. Easy mover but wish for a bit lighter movement. Fantastic condition. Well presented. Appealing mentality.”

Junior class: Exc3, CK, BM-3
“Appealing model. Elegant and masculine, still needs to mature & develop. Has a typical balance and total, enough body and chest, good legs and feet. A bit tense topline. Easy movement that needs to mature. Well presented.”

Junior class: Exc1
“Correct type and size. Good proportions of head and body. Very beutiful eyes. Enough angulations in front and rear. Nice temperament. Could have a longer rear stride.”

Progeny Group-1, HP, BIS-2 (Lars Adeheimer)
“Clear family characteristics, well gender characterized individuals, nice presentation, excellent condition, nice movements. A joy to see so many cirnechi in my ring!”

Breeders Group-1, HP, BIS-2 (Paul H. Stanton)
“Appealing family characteristics. 4 well gender characterized individuals that makes the breed proud! CONGRATULATIONS!””

“LEO Best of Breed w. CAC! (entry 5 CdE, 4+1)
Lava BIS-2 Progeny Group! (out of 6 groups)
LEX MURPHY BIS-2 Breeders Group (out of 14 groups)
Thank you judges for appreciating our dogs! <3 Thank you "Team Murphy": @[872180290:2048:Britzyk Bell], @[100000748603687:2048:Jonna Friberg] and @[547701588:2048:Stina Persson], superior handling as always!!! <3 <3 <3 Big thanks also to @[645679477:2048:Annelie Cederlöf] for our Gold Standard jewellery, and @[729230068:2048:Camilla Lund] for the dogs gorgeous Custom Made Showleads! <3" From Hässleholm NAT, posted by Maria Weinehall on 5/20/2013 (42 items)

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