Feb 21, 2012 | Misc, News
We had great weather today, so I took some photos of the dogs. Enjoy!...
Jan 8, 2012 | Dogshows, News
First show of the year has come and gone! We took home 2 BOB, 1 BOS, 3 CACIB, 1 CAC with the cirnechi, and Primo got BOB-puppy with excellent critique! I am so happy and proud of my little darlings, they all behaved so well these 4 days. But mostly I am impressed by...
Dec 31, 2011 | Match Shows
Match shows are unofficial shows (no registered results), very good training for inexperienced dogs or handlers. Often for all breeds, all ages. Not necessarily official judges, but sometimes. Puppy shows are also unofficial, but not for adults. The puppies are often...