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Wow, Litter #4 is already 1 week old! Amazing how time flies.
The puppies are all doing great: eating, sleeping and growing steadily. They look like fat guinea pigs, although their different personalities are already starting to show! =) And we can see some small differences in the profile too.
They are sooo lovely, I could sit for hours and just look at them…

The theme for their names has been decided, but I’ll keep that to myself for a while longer… 😉
Took some pics today, enjoy!

Mother: FDI Multi Ch Multi W Group Winner Chininas Ursula un Uragano Lieve
Father: Multi Ch & W Group Winner Lucky del Borgo di Pratica Anharbn (owner: Iosono Kennel, Helsinki)

Birth statistics:

Born 2013-09-26

Puppy Ms Pink Mr Blue Mr Orange Mr Gold Ms Silver Mr Brown Mr Green
Time of birth 17.26 18.02 18.23 18.54 19.06 19.45 19.57
Gender girl boy boy boy girl boy boy
Birth weight 269 293 335 313 277 263 255
Weight day 1 (12 hrs) 277 307 327 314 287 279 268
Weight day 2 290 352 366 340 320 326 290
Weight day 3 315 377 419 373 361 379 336
Weight day 4 347 412 444 415 418 421 355
Weight day 5 377 472 472 455 444 455 383
Weight day 6 394 515 496 483 492 516 415
Weight day 7 435 563 538 526 534 567 449